Якоб Леви Морено пишет об этом доме:
Грета Лейтц рассказывает о любви Морено к дому:"The Municipality gave me a house in Maital. The Mai-House consisted out of stone, rather a small castle with a tower. When I stood on my veranda at the backside of the house I could overpeer the whole valley. There also was a wine cellar, the biggest in town. The House surrounded by trees ...”
aus: J.L.Moreno, Autobiographie. Hrsg.v.J.D.Moreno, K?ln 1995, S. 92
Все остальное можно найти здесь: http://www.moreno-museum.at/Maital was one of his favourite places, and whenever Moreno talked of it he started to rhapsodize: Maital, my Maital. He always felt pleasure when he thought about his home. Then he often said, “You know, I used to live in Maital”
Interview mit Grete Leutz - von Helga Wildhaber, in: Morenos Wirken in Bad V?slau von 1918 bis 1925, Diplomarbeit von Mag. art. Helga Wildhaber, Klagenfurt 2006, S. 106
Видео об этом доме. Оно на английском, но все понятно.